We adventure to places off the main road. We detour to the weird. We seek out the legends that live in these woods, these rocks and these waters. We look them in the eye and sometimes … they look back.

Welcome to Cascadia Arcana, where a group of solitary misfits created a tribe of adventurers who spend their free time wandering the paths of Vancouver Island, South Coast, Pacific Northwest, Oregon coast and California.

 We don’t know ultimately where those paths lead – but we know those are the best kinds of paths.

The Atlas is where you’ll find Cascadia organized into smaller regions, with brief descriptions and links to blog posts in that area . For those who prefer chaos, the Blog contains places we’ve survived in completely random order. Contact Us is where we take suggestions for our next adventure. Connect with us on social media, but don’t tell us to go to hell – it’s already on our list.