Em – Music. Words. Paddleboarding. Witch stuff. Went through a roadblock and admitted to having a cup of tea - herbal, non-caffeinated. The police officer said, “Wow - way to walk on the wild side.”

IndestructiBill – Trucks. Guns. Bikes. Mechanical things. He barrels down the highway on his Harley. A deer tried to take him out. When the police officer arrived on scene at the crash, he said, “where’s the body?” IndestructiBill replied, “I’m sitting right here.”

FamJam - Em learned the meaning of ‘adventure’ when her mom and dad drove the family across the Canadian prairie in a Toyota Tercel, camping all the way to Northern Ontario. The next year, they went to Fort St. John, B.C., just ‘to see what was up there.’

All content on this site, including writings and photographs, created by Em unless otherwise indicated.